Japan and the People's Republic of
Having recalled with satisfaction that,
since the issuance of the joint statement by the Government of
Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China on 29 September 1972 at
Beijing, friendly relations between the Governments and the peoples of the two countries
have developed extensively on a new basis,
Affirming that the aforementioned joint
statement constitutes the basis for relations of peace and friendship between the two
countries and that the principles set out in that statement should be strictly observed,
Affirming that the Charter of the
United Nations should be fully respected,
Desiring to contribute to the peace and
security of Asia and the world,
Seeking to strengthen and develop
peaceful and friendly relations between the two countries,
Have decided to conclude a treaty of
peace and friendship and have, for this purpose, appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:
For Japan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sunao Sonoda;
For China, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Huang Hua
The Plenipotentiaries of both Parties,
having exchanged their full powers, and found them in good and due form, have agreed as
Article 1
1. The Contracting Parties shall develop
lasting relations of peace and friendship between the two countries on the basis of mutual
respect for the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual
non-aggression, non-intervention in each other's internal affairs, mutual benefit, and
peaceful coexistence.
2. In accordance with the aforementioned
principles and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the Contracting
Parties affirm that, in their mutual relations, they will use peaceful means to settle all
disputes and will refrain from the use of force or the threats of the use thereof.
Article 2
The Contracting Parties declare that neither
Party will seek hegemony within the Asian and Pacific region or in any other region and
that both shall oppose any attempt by any other country or group of countries to establish
such hegemony.
Article 3
The Contracting Parties, motivated by the spirit of good
neighbourliness and friendship and in accordance with the principles of mutual benefit and
non-interference in each other's internal affairs, shall foster contacts and endeavours
involving the peoples of the two countries with a view to furthering economic and cultural
relations between the two countries.
Article 4
This Treaty shall not affect the relations
either Contracting Party maintains with third countries.
Article 5
1. This Treaty is subject to ratification and
shall enter into force on the day of the exchange of the instruments of ratification at
Tokyo. This Treaty shall remain in force for 10 years and thereafter until the statement
of termination provided for in paragraph 2 of this article is made.
2. Upon the expiration of the initial
ten-year period or at any time thereafter, either Contracting Party may terminate this
Treaty by informing the other Contracting Party in writing one year beforehand of its
intention to do so.
Plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty and affixed thereto their seals.
DONE at Beijing, 12 August 1978, in
duplicate, in the Japanese and Chinese languages, both texts being equally authentic.
For Japan:
For the People's Republic of China: