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Resolution on the Representation of China in the United Nations

Adopted by the 1913th plenary session of General Assembly on 20 November 1970 by a vote of 66-52-7

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Resolution 2642 (XXV)

Ref:2500(XXIV), 2389(XXIll), 227l(XXIl), 2159(XXI), 202(XX),1668(XVI),1493(XV), 1351(XIV), 1239(XIII), 1135(XII), 1108(XI), 990(X), 903(IX), 800 (VIII), 501(V), 490(V)



Recalling the recommendation contained in its resolution 396 (V) of 14 December 1950 that, whenever more than one authority claims to be the Government entitled to represent a Member State in the United Nations and this question becomes the subject of controversy in the United Nations, the question should be considered in the light of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the circumstances of each case,

Recalling further its decision in resolution 1668 (XVI) of 13 December 1961, in accordance with Article 18 of the Charter, that any proposal to change the representation of China is an important question, which, in General Assembly resolutions 2025 (XX) of 17 November 1965, 2159 (XXI) of 29 November 1966, 2271 (XXII) of 28 November 1967, 2389 (XXIII) of 19 November 1968 and 2500 (XXIV) of 11 November 1969, was affirmed as remaining valid,

Affirms again that this decision remains valid.

1913th plenary meeting
20 November 1970


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Source: Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations General Assembly 25th Session.